

PRP is a treatment that gives a more youthful appearance to the skin with minimal downtime.

PRP is derived from your own blood. It is plasma that contains high concentrations of platelets that stimulate cells to regenerate at a faster rate. Skin treatments with PRP improve overall skin texture and leads to an increase in collagen and elastin production. As a result, your skin will feel tighter, fuller, and smoother.

PRP Treatments are done in the office. Blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate a layer of plasma rich cells, platelets and growth factors.

Most patients will notice an improvement in their skin within the first month of treatment. Maximal results occur in about 3 months.
2-3 PRP treatments are recommended and should be spaced out 6-8 weeks apart.

PRP can be used in combination with Microneedling, Botox and Fillers, and chemical peels to enhance the results.

PRP can be targeted to specific areas of the face and body. Common areas for PRP treatment for aesthetic purposes include:

→ Hair rejuvenation on the scalp

→ Under eye rejuvenation

→ Temples

→ Hollows of cheeks

→ Acne and surgical scars